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preview Merchant Navy Course in Delhi 2024 Looking for Join Merchant Navy in India Make your career bright with our best academy Delhi maritime academy. best academy for Merchant Navy courses. *GP or General Purpose Rating course is for candidates who want to develop their career in the merchant navy. *Admission open for GP Rating Course. * GP Rating Course with 100% placement with top company shipping company * GP Rating Course admission open for Delhi, Mumbai , Chennai campus. *Top company joining with GP Rating Course. *Top collages for GP Rating Course. *Depending on your preferred department, the job profile will be either Deck or Engine. The deck department encompasses Cargo Operations, Assists in Navigation, and Ship Maintenance. On the contrary, the Engine Department includes Assist in Engine Room Maintenance and General cleaning of the Engine Room. *Once you complete the six months of pre-sea training, you’ll work as a Deck or Engine on the ship. After completing the thirty-six months in this industry, one must crack the Second Mate Examination that promotes you to the officer level. After that, more exams give you constant promotions with a good hike. The salary of freshers depends on their skills and knowledge. Generally, it ranges from $1500 to $3000 per month and may fluctuate depending on the interview. You may pitch the higher package as a fresher if you are well equipped with practical knowledge. Many students seek professional courses that ensure job placement. *One of the best academy to have your carrier in merchant navy provide best campus and 100% placement and top companies to candidate * Join Delhi Maritime Academy to take a great future.

Posted on: 2024-03-09T05:30:29
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